Watch Bhabi Fucking

It was no longer a matter of right and wrong. All that mattered was that she wanted me now, now, wanted my lust-hardened cock to be set in motion to match the desperate desire that was churning within her. At last, through tightly clenched teeth, she hissed bitterly, “Saheb, chod do mujhe, chodo, jorsey FUCK ME!”As she closed her eyes in humiliated defeat my face twisted into an obscene smirk of victory. Savoring my sweet revenge, I levered my self up into a push-up position and slowly withdrew my deeply-imbedded length until only the bloated Mushroom-like head still rested within the moistly glistening lips of her tender young pussy. My anger was quickly forgotten as I felt the intoxicating friction of my massive gleaming staff against the smooth moist walls of her cunt and as a new wave of intense passion pulsed through me, I gathered all my muscular strength and rammed forward again, the broad fleshy head of my thick cock pushing the soft flesh of her warm welcoming cuntal channel. " Damn!" I shouted. "See if he can give me five minutes. And alert Yvette, Terrence, Louis and the twins. They might want to hear this first hand. Who's in the command center?" Linus and Fred are serving at this time," the AI reported.Meiko had woken up and appeared in the doorway to the bedroom as I finished throwing my shirt on. She looked at me, but seeing my hurry paused. "Sorry, little one," I gasped out. "The Navy just called and I have to run to the command post. Let the others know and then you can join me if you want."Meiko smiled and turned back to the room as I dashed out the door, running through the tunnels. Fortunately the hallways were clear and I rattled into the command post a few moments later to find Linus and Fred reviewing the sensor logs from the Sa'arm visit."No sir," Fred said. "I was not on duty when the Sa'arm visited, so I cannot answer that. I've given you the information that I understand. I'm afraid that I'm not experienced at this, none of us are. Linus.
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