Reemoyee With Bigtits Hairy Pussyex

With the place all to ourselves most of the time, Judy and I soon got very comfortable around each other. It was normal for Judy to walk naked from her room to the bathroom to take a shower, or to stumble into the kitchen in the morning in just her panties and a tank top, shuffling around and groggily mumbling for coffee like a gorgeous little zombie until I handed her a cup, earning a smooch on the nose and a beaming sleepy smile from her. It wasn't about exhibitionism or teasing either. From what I gathered, her family was, if not exactly nudist, something pretty close to it. Judy had been brought up not to feel ashamed of her body and of her sexuality. And why should she, I thought the first time I saw her naked, the day she moved in. I'll never forget the moment I saw her there, stepping out of her room, butt naked. She just said "Hey, Greg," while she passed by me, wearing nothing but her bright, warm smile. I couldn't reply as she kept walking down the hall, telling me she was. Em's mother grabbed my dick and aimed it at that target, Em had her lower lip pinched between her pearl white teeth. As soon as my dick touched her pussy she scrunched her eyes tight and her body tensed."Relax Emily, despite what you may have heard losing your virginity isn't very painful. Besides I have already removed the biggest source of pain that you would have experienced if you still had your cherry. So just relax, in fact if you do anything push out, as if you were having a baby. I will go slow and will not give more than you can take, Ok?"She let out her breath and let her body relax. I pressed again then backed off just as I had with her mother. I didn't want to hurt this young morsel, no, in fact I wanted her to love getting fucked. I wanted to drill this sweet cunt for years to come. I told Emily to lift her head and I snatched a pillow up and stuffed it under her head. Now she would be able to see my black dick slide into her body as well as feel it.Little by little I.
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