Indian Aunt Sucking Her Husband’s Lund
Glenda, well good morning she says grabbing the upper part of her robe and pulling it over her breasts. Hey I replied, up early I see. Yes as always she said. I couldn't help but to look and admire. As I said earlier she's a bit older, well kept however. Nice coke bottle shape, short hair cut in a nice style. It feels great out she says as she takes a seat in one of her deck chairs. Sure does I reply, mind if I join you? Sure she said as I began to make my way over. I plop down and exhale, mind you it's been a good while since I've had a woman's touch. Her scent and mere presence is more of a turn on than usual. At every chance I'm glancing up her smooth brown legs, wondering if she was pantyless under that robe. By now she's no longer grabbing the top of the robe and closing it, I caught a few glimpses of her breasts. I'm a dog in f*cking heat I kept thinking to myself as we continued exchanging small chat. Hey, hey Glenda says nudging at my bicep with her finger tips, I had slipped. I had my haircut very short?almost a crew cut. I would wear shorts from Forever 21,and tops from the Gap. Carrie encouraged me to carry a purse?which Istocked with eye liner, lip liner, and other cosmetics (mostly for her). We looked like two girls out shopping, but if you looked closely atme?you could tell I was a guy.That year, for Halloween, Carrie, Nicole and I had the greatest costumeidea. We decided to go as 'Three Britneys.' We worshipped Britney backthen. My outfit was to be the 'Britney Schoolgirl.' I wore a littleplaid skirt, thigh highs, and a cute white halter. Carrie did mymakeup?and I looked like I just walked off the set of the 'Hit me onemore Time' video. With my blonde wig, I could have passed for Britney.Carrie went as 'Innocent Britney' with her look coming from the'Sometimes' video. And Nicole went as 'Slutty Britney' with her outfitcoming from the 'Oops I did it again' video. She wore a red lycra bodystocking.Not surprisingly, we were the biggest hit.
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